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Spring Wetlands Application

Spring Wetlands Application

Image of Sandhill Cranes Spring Wetlands Application [formassembly formid=5157311]

BirdReturns Wetland Incentive Program Application Form SPRING 2025

Thank you for your interest in this opportunity. Please submit your application below for the Spring Wetland program. Questions about this form or the application process can be directed to: 
Suisun & South of the Delta: Sacramento Valley & Delta:
Xerónimo Castañeda   Ashley Seufzer
Working Lands Program Director  Program Manager
(916) 737-5707 x119  (415) 644-4608
Audubon California
 Audubon California

For this application, you will need to attach a map or maps that include each of the wetland ponds proposed.
Organization's legal name
County where the fields included in this bid are located. If your fields span multiple counties, choose the one where most of your fields are located.
Primary Contact Information
Contract Representative
Property Details
Name of the property that the fields are on.

Please provide the coordinates to one of your wetlands to help us locate the general area; these simple instructions will walk you through how to determine the latitude/longitude. Note: Your application will be ON HOLD until sufficient information is received for staff to locate your property.

Enter in decimals (not degrees). Example: 37.80686382997122
Enter in decimals (not degrees). Example: -122.26563866441742
Please enter the nearest road intersection:
Application Details
Wetland Ponds included in your application
Click the Add Another Wetland Pond link at the end of this section to include an additional wetland pond in this application.
List the wetland pond(s).
Ensure that the wetland pond name(s) listed here
match those on the provided map(s).
List the respective acres for the pond(s)
included in this application. 25 acres minimum.
Flooding Practice:
Soils must remain flooded or fully saturated from the end of the waterfowl season until the end of the drawdown period. 
Conduct a staged drawdown to reach 50% mud flats on enrolled units by date Option 1, 2, or 3.
Source of water to be used for this program. Select all that apply.
Attach Wetland Pond Maps
Please attach one image or pdf file that clearly shows a map of the wetland pond(s) corresponding to this application. Click 'Attach Another Map' below to attach more than one file.
Note: the total size for all attached files must add up to no larger than 20 MB (for example, 4 attached maps at 5 MB each). 
Please upload files within the following formats only: bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, tif, qtf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pages, keynote, key, numbers, pdf, odt, ods, odp, zip, rar, tar, gz, shar, cpio, bz2, lz, lzma, lzo, sz, xz, z, Z, 7x, ace, afa, alx, aok, ark, b1, cab, cfs, dar, dgc, dmb, gca, lzh, lha, lzx, sit, sitx, tgz, tbz2, tlz, zoo, par, par2, heic
Please include any additional information that will help us to understand your attached map(s).
Please check each of these boxes and enter your full name below (required):
You're almost done! Only three steps remain:
1) Carefully review your above application(s)
2) Select the Submit button below.